
Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

How to Create a Cbox Chat In Blogger

How to Create a Cbox Chat In Blogger
This time I will discuss about the Cbox Chat
Before there was no such thing Cbox applications with the free service Shoutmix.Shoutmix stop going on and therefore I would love an application like shoutmix the Cbox, would you like a free-free .. Surely it!
Ahh yes cape've only way immediately wrote it?
To make this easy enough Cbox Chat her guide:
A. visit the wesite Cbox, then click on Get your own free Cbox now!
2. Get your own cbox

Create your own Cbox in a couple of clicks. Sign up for a free Cbox chatbox for your website in just one step. Your privacy is protected and we never spam. After creating your account you will have the option of upgrading to our best-in-class premium chat service.

Fill in your identity

Cbox name fill in the name you want

Email address e-mail the contents of the active

Password fill in the password you want

Confrim equate the password with the password on the same if not make sure the same will be continued

Website is a websiter that you wish you cbox chat

Language select the desired language

Style you can change the look of cbox just change the way live

Take a look at an example:
3.If there will be a success in the english words that mean the Indonesian namely:
“Cbox Terlah Berhasil di Buat" or "It worked superbly in Create a Cbox" You can now log into the control panel cbox, login at the top of the page to fill in the cbox name and password that you have made. Look at the example below
4.Setelah login, sekarang ke home lalu pilih Publish !
5.Get copy your code themselves and then move into notepad first if not it's okay ..!
6. - Sign in to http://www. /

- Then select the layout

- Then add gadgets

- Choose the HTML gadget and paste your title at will

I hope that I gave useful for you and do not forget to comment ya .....

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